I can claim I have understood women completely!!

Hi readers! Yeah this is the first time I am referring to the people who actually (I WISH) read this blog. I don’t normally do it because mostly its just me venting out whatever I have in mind to no one specifically. So anyhow lets cut to the chase..

There was the hype of 2011 and as I check out the bottom right screen of my monitor, February has already ended. Which essentially means that my career move is 2 months old now, but thats not actually what I wanted to scribble here.

So anyway the reference here was February. The valentine month ❤ 😀 Not for me at least. This day hasn’t been of much significance in my life, more so because in my teen years I haven’t had much luck on the V-Day 😉 So i decided that I should grow up and stop living in this teenage dream of mine. Being emotionally challenged and trying to be practical at the same time is a difficult task (Trust me, been there done that!)

Befriending women who are very emotional and are very expressive about almost everything in their life has made me think like a woman too *REALLY VASIF!?* are you bi?

Do you want to surprise your girlfriend with a present she’ll never forget Don’t get her anything. She’ll never forget. #valentinesday

When you look at me and i look away its not cuz i don’t like you its cuz i don’t want you to see the HUGE smile on my face

I hope one day you miss me the way I missed you, and then I can walk away and ignore you like you ignored me.” BURN!

This illustration will explain how I have – well sort of – started thinking like women:


PS: This post was supposed to be published in February 2011, but somehow stayed in the edit section. Sad!

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